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Made for the Travel Community

Four friends and one goal - to make travel more accessible. We’re travelers, creators, and dreamers, just like you.

Our Vision.

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We are committed to make travel U & me easy and accessible for everyone by helping travelersplan better, find trusted reviews, and earn rewards for sharing their experiences.

Our Team


Travelgene's Story

Where It all Started

In Glasgow, while pursuing their MBAs, Savi and Achu found they had a common passion: travel, especially the planning part. They became the go-to trip planners for their friends, using an Excel sheet filled with detailed guides on where to stay, what to do, and how to make the most of each destination within the budget.

Turning Passion into Purpose

As more people asked for travel advice, Savi and Achu realized their hobby could be something bigger. Planning trips took up a lot of their time, sparking an idea that was as clear as it was ambitious: make travel planning easier for everyone! Achu had always dreamed of turning travel into something more than just an expense—he wanted to help travelers earn from their journeys. But figuring out how to make that happen wasn't easy—at least not yet.

Birth of Travelgene

After months of brainstorming and countless cups of coffees & Beers, the concept of Travelgene took shape. The idea is simple, it is to transform travel planning by leveraging personal experiences and insights from a community of travelers, and enable people to earn while they explore the world.

Building the Dream Team

To bring their vision to life, Savi and Achu needed the right partners. They were joined by Vigi and Sachin, two skilled coders with a deep passion for innovation. Vigi, who had worked with Achu in a previous venture, brought a keen sense for problem-solving and reliability to the coding aspects. Sachin, with his expertise in creating user-friendly interfaces, ensured that Travelgene would be accessible and practical for all users.

Travelgene Today

Travelgene is more than just a tool; it’s a vibrant community where travelers connect, share, and learn from each other. We continue to constantly update and improve the platform to meet the evolving needs of travelers worldwide.

We invite you to join our community, share your journey, and discover the joy of traveling with Travelgene